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Showing posts from February, 2019

Getting there

Slowly but surely I'm still working on this one. Any ideas what it should be called?


In the back of my head I've been thinking about creating a collection of floral pieces that are segmented or partials of a whole. They would be artworks with edges cut off or be placed off to one side cutting off half entirely.  I think it's more intimate and for the smaller pieces it works. It gives the little guys something that a larger piece cannot have.  Each of these paintings from this series will have  more dramatic lighting. The intention is to evoke more atmosphere, more feeling. Hope it works. Vintage Blue  (19-30) 10" by 10" oil on canvas  Painting is continued on edges of canvas.

Cabbage Rose Bloom (19-27)

Okay, it's been a while since I've posted and it's really overdue.  Here is how I've spent the last few days. I created the colours on the palette ahead of time so I used the real colours for the rough in drawing instead of a neutral colour. No particular reason except that the colours were already available to me. I fought the background a bit trying to figure out how much attention I should give it. Shadowing for me is one of the hardest elements, if you grey out the colour too much it just looks dirty. Implementing too much colour in the shadow takes away a more realistic colouring. I am still learning, getting there. Cabbage Rose Bloom (19-27) oil on stretched canvas 10" by 8" I've used one of my new canvases for this painting. The stretcher is so much stronger than the previous ones. I have had a painting bow on me and I have to restretch it now and I'm less than pleased. So from now on, the canvases...


It's that romance day! Whether you celebrate it or not, it's still happening. Valentines. It's hearts and chocolates and romance. Although I have never gone all out for Valentine's Day, I do have several romantic paintings.          Which one do you think is the most romantic?

Spring Blooms

Here's a look at the Spring Collection at a glance. Ok, so this is the group so far. I think it's time to try a different flower now as I have run out of reference photos and also, it's time to change it up.  I think a daffodil will have to be next. Does anyone have a favourite spring flower to share?

Large Landscape

 This one may look familiar. I created this painting last September. Then I painted this one but I knew I still wasn't done with those particular photo references. So, I kept thinking about it. And thinking about it.  Then I thought I'd combine 2-3 of the photos references together and I managed to put together this rendering on the canvas. So far so good. Right? To say that I added colour tentatively would be a very accurate description.  So, we are few weeks in now and I think we can see where this is going. I'm planning on keeping as much sky in as I can. By bringing more space into the composition I'm hoping it loosens something that allows the painting some relief from all that is happening in at the bottom.  We will see.      Sorry, it's still not done yet. It's a big one (24" by 36"). I'll keep you updated.         

Iris Collection - Spring Blooms

For the past few weeks I have been creating little panels here and there of iris's. I chose iris blooms because they're gauzy and attractive and come in many colours an varieties. Even though the flowers are similar they're not always alike. Not every painting turns out as well as the next but as a general rule, you do get better if you paint the same object over and over.  The photos below, show in order which I painted first and last. 19-01 19-12 19-14 19-15 19-16

Icy Interruption

For the past few days we've had some interesting weather.  It warmed up to the point where the hats and gloves came off and then it rained, and then gusts of cold air froze that. It then rained on that and then froze again or during. At the same time? Is that possible? Some people are calling it a ice storm but there wasn't a storm, it was rain. We had an ice rain? Whatever you would call it, it made some pretty ice sculptures. As pretty as it is, it's pretty slick underfoot.  It's supposed to warm up and melt it all. I hope everyone else is having better weather.  Keep wishing for an early spring. I am.

Iris 19-17

Spring Bloom again! This one is a nice neutral one. The grey I used is warm (black, white, naples and brown) to contrast with the blue-purple of the petals. I slid a little violet in the petals but only because I thought it needed a little warming up. I kept the paint strokes loose and just had fun with it. Iris 19-17 oil on canvas board 6" by 6" Click to Buy

Iris 19-16 - Spring Bloom

Okay, I think this is one of my faves so far.  It's okay if you disagree (my husband also disagrees), but for me, this one is closest to my taste. Luckily, I always do 17 of everything. One for everyone. Okay, maybe a slight exaggeration but we will see how long this Spring Bloom Compilation strings along... Iris 19-16 oil on canvas board 6" by 6" Click to Buy (Note: for some reason the background looks darker in this photo. While trying to keep the shine away from camera lens ((photo taken while wet)), it seems to appear darker. Top photo shows truer colour reference.)

Iris 19-15 - Spring Bloom

This is another iris for the collection.  This particular bloom was very soft if colour so I thought a soft background was in order. I kept everything simple and suggested because I didn't feel like it needed a lot to it. (I also have a tendency to overpaint when I'm learning something new) This one is a little out of my comfort zone because it isn't overly precise but I think someone should like it out there.  I hope. Iris 19-15 7" by 5 oil on canvas board Click to Buy