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What a Crock!


These 3 compositions have been on my to do list for a while and I kept skipping over them. I put my foot down and got to it. This one I started a week or more ago but finished off today.I kept it looser so I could play up the reflections and highlights.

6" by 6"
oil on canvas board

I detailed the strawberries in this one because they are the main feature and also in the foreground. The jam label was also fun playing with the relief of the letters instead of just writing it out.  

"Strawberry Jam"
6" by 6"
oil on canvas board

I wanted to keep this one simple because of the overhead dramatic lighting. The cream jug is the main star in this composition and the strawberries are the back up singers. 

"Strawberries and Cream"
6" by 6"
oil on canvas board


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