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the tiny studio

I'm lucky that I was able to make a space in my home that I can call "the studio". It isn't big, and it's full of mess but I call it mine. I also keep it messy so that my husband and kids stays out. It's all part of the plan. 

Well it keeps those out most of the time, I do have co-workers that like to break my time up, a lot. The white wheaton is named Winnie and the black poodle is Penny. There is another co-worker that is camera shy today. Usually one of them is underfoot.

I use a glass palette on a roller cart and just roll it around the room. One of the easels dances from place to place as well.  Every inch of this room is stuffed with everything I need and probably more. It's amazing what you can do with such a small area. I do dream of a larger space but until then, this seems to be doing great. 


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