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End of Season

This painting is my most recent. 
It's my second attempt at painting big blooms on a larger canvas. Although it's not enormous, it's certainly larger than my usual little studies.

End of Season
oil on canvas (gallery)
18 x 24 x 1.5
Big Bloom Collection

 I took this photo from a garden in the neighborhood (this garden is always immaculate) last year, since it's peonies I am guessing it would be May or June. Probably June. I have wanted to paint it but there are so many blooms and petals that it has intimidated me. So I decided to crop the picture.

This cropped photo reference was still intimidating but not enough to deter me. I blacked out the background just to see what it would look like. 

My first attempt gave me a composition that worked but not the background colour (I was thinking that it would match what was the dirt colour in photograph - hated it!)

So I changed the background as fast as I could. 

Also finalized the drawing adding more leaves, trying to give them more movement.

And the filling in began.

And continued for a long time.

Finally finished!

The next one I am planning will be biggest yet!


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