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What I am working on...

 I have been working on this painting for a little while now. It still isn't completely finished but it's almost there. When it is done it will be called "Tranquility".

As I always try to do, I have taken progress photos of the process.  

Sometimes I paint over another painting if the canvas isn't too marred. 
When I do this it's imperative to cover the entire canvas with the base colors so you aren't looking at two drawings overlapping one another. This gives me an idea about space and position.

 I try to get a sense of the colors but also for the tone, the values are just as important
I generally start with a grey background.

With so many leaves I had to play around with a lot of greens. I also had to keep going in and remembering where the leaves start and finish.

At this point I can tell whether the painting is working or not. There are a lot of paintings that don't continue after this point. Every artist has a pile of artwork that just doesn't work. Don't be fooled, no matter how many years you do this, you challenge yourself to improve and you make mistakes. You learn and go from there. Knowledge comes from this failure. 


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