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Progress Shots

This canvas was painted grey to cover up the old painting underneath.

I drew on the picture in light yellow to start and then added more colors as I went.

I was able to bring in a little bit of the shadows.

I concentrated on yellow as that is what was mixed on my palette. I hate wasting paint and once its mixed, that's it. I have a few hours to finish it because it will be half solidified by the next day and I never use that because you get clumps and bits.

This is where I will always stop a painting, having the base colors done. 
The next part of the process is starting over and going over the entire painting again. I really wish I was one of those painters who can knock a painting out in a few hours and it looks amazing.

"End of Summer" (21-48)
12" x 16" x .75"
oil on canvas



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