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Lights Out!

Everyone knows that November is a dark month.
It's the month where we eat supper in the dark and most of the lights are on early.
I have complained about light before and it hasn't changed; November is still dark.

Last year I bought umbrella lights and they are great but sometimes they still reflect on a painting and can give off a glare. I am not a professional photographer and I really don't have time to become one so I have to use all the cheat rules I can. Natural light is the best cheat when taking photos of artwork but's not nice to us cheaters.

See the glare on the left side?
These two photos above were taken at the same location, it takes some time to get the right light and exposure.

Natural light to start here but then I had to enhance the exposure.

In this photo, I like to take photos with household objects so you can see actual size and colors to compare with. The walls were cream so I found some white furniture to help create a base color. If the white is there you can see all the other colors easier.

Sometimes you just need to put a little bit of color to compare with, it also helps with scale.
Every bit helps!



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