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November Light

 November has always been a hard month to love for me.

I have always associated November with the season closing down, harsh cold winds and grey miserable skies. This year has not been like that at all. I have been lucky enough to gather some great photos while taking my dogs for their daily walk. 

I live right on the edge of a main street where there are shops and restaurants but to the other side is a subdivision. It's an older community so there are large trees mingled with a variety of gardens.

The sun is making the tree colors absolutely stunning!

The sun is so low in the mornings that I can barely see even with sunglasses on.

This was taken on more of an overcast day. I still like the flow of the leaves and the branches.

Color and light. Beautiful.

There are some dismal areas and sometimes its hard to find the beauty, but I did!
This photo is a beauty! 
I was just there at the right time. The ravine is overgrown and a tangled mess that is less than inviting. The light and the early morning dew were just perfect.

There is one house on this small side street where someone years ago created a beautiful design and the owners since have kept up with the theme. Their fences are horizontal (something unheard of everywhere else in the area) and have been for years. They have grown these grape vines up along them and they are full. The leaves are just starting to fall off now so you can see the grapes. The grapes will hang on all winter. It is a great visual against the snow.

I hope I can grab more photos before the weather turns.
This November has been wonderful so far.


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