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November Tribute

In my attempts to take great photos that represent November, this beauty emerged.

From this I have started painting.

I laid a grid out for this one. 
The drawing was going to have to be near perfect to get everything to connect perfectly.

I started applying the warm greens in and realized that I had to be careful not to lose some of the lines drawn in. Also, I had to be careful because I hadn't drawn everything in (as I was afraid I would lose sight with so many lines everywhere).

I found that I am still continually drawing and summing up where everything goes, and making sure it all fits right. I didn't realize how instrumental the drawing would be on this painting.

As I get to this point, it is starting to stitch together better.
There are a few hiccups (the canvas size is slightly boxier than my photo) but I have been able to alter a few things in the drawing to compensate without anyone being the wiser.

Lets see how this is going to go...



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