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Happy New Year!

Is it New Year already?

We kept busy over the holidays renovating the living room and it got me to about the studio too?

This photo below was from over a year ago and my studio has cluttered up more ever since.                       Hard to believe I know. Where did I fit it?

Now, how to turn this into that??? Hmmmm?

Dream art Studio

Being in the basement gives me space I need but that is about the only feature. It gets cramped very quickly. And messy, so very messy.

I have gone on-line several times to try and find out how others organize their mess.

I am noticing that they all have a large glass window or door. 
So jealous!

What I have taken from all of the above is this:
Paint everything light and white. 
Clear away the counter surfaces and have them white if you can (don't put everything on display)
Uniformity - visual consistence allows your eyes to not focus on clutter
Maybe some better lighting - fingers crossed on that one.
Also, add a plant or two.

I am going to try to incorporate these things

So far I have gotten as far as painting three of the four walls an off-white losing the creamy yellow and stressing about the giant pile in the middle of the room. Where does the mess always go on TV? Seriously.

Sigh, I will get there.



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