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Prints 2022

Prints are going to be available soon!

I have been going through all the paintings (many that have already sold) 
and created photo files for the printers.
 Getting the right white and not have the shine is harder than it looks. 
It takes a few tries.

Here's an example of "Sunshine" (#20-05) 8'x8"
The color is almost the same. Getting closer.
Can you tell which one is the print?

I will have multiple sizes available for each painting.
(6"x6", 8"x8", 8"x10")
I will create sizes for frames that are easily found (Walmart, Michaels, Ikea).

These prints will be affordable.

I am also creating prints for my larger works for the first time.
These prints will be available in sizes 8"x10", 12"x16" and 16"x20 to start.

There will also be a custom option available as well.



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